Eco Marine x Living Islands Movement Mui Wo Community Ghost Net Adventure Cleanup (Sep)
In April 2020, waters in Mui Wo were unusually clear due to reduced boat traffic as a result of COVID. We were able to survey the coastline close to Mui Wo via snorkelling from Silvermine Bay to Man Kok Wan and discovered multiple ghost nets in shallow waters, trapping and killing marine life including fish and numerous crabs. In the following few months we took action gathering together community members as well as volunteers from all over Hong Kong. We cleared 100+ large nets as well as thousands of kilograms of rubbish from within an approximately 1km stretch of coastline from Tung Wan Tau to Man Kok Wan.
We are excited to continue this effort in 2021 with the focus being on general cleanups as well as recovery of additional nets found.
Our next action date is Sunday 19th September 2021 from 14:00 to 17:30 to take advantage of the low tide. We encourage individuals, families and kids to join! This will be the last of our summer kayak cleanups for 2021. We will focus on hiking to further locations after September as the weather cools down.
After the cleanup, you’re welcome to join us for dinner at Mui Wo Cooked Food Market from 18:00 to 19:30 in honour of Merrin who will be departing Hong Kong in November. This is OPTIONAL—please post a comment on the FB event if you will join the dinner so that we can make a reservation.
We are going to focus on two sites this time:
Families, kids and hikers at Little Bamboo Bay and Pearse Point
Adults on Kayaks at Man Kok Tsuen headland
There will be separate leaders for the two groups but everyone will meet at No Name Store at 14:00.
Kids are welcome! Kids should be supervised by responsible adult/family members and need to be able to manage the paved trail walk to Little Bamboo Bay Beach which is 1 km hike each way from the meeting point.
Meeting Time— 14:00
Meeting Place—NONAME STORE (on Silvermine Bay Beach)
10號 Tung Wan Tau Rd, Mui Wo
For important details and what to wear and bring please refer to this document.
Sign up for this event by clicking GOING on our Facebook Event.
Disclaimer: By joining this event, all participants are deemed to have agreed to the terms and conditions contained in this disclaimer, and agreed to exonerate the event leaders, the organizers and any other participants in the event from any liabilities, claims, including but not limited to liabilities and claims as a result of any injuries or deaths or damages arising thereof. Volunteers joining the event are at their own choosing and at their own risk.
Social Distancing: We will adhere to COVID social distancing measures and will work in small teams of no greater than 4 people during the event.